All Ministries/Outreach Contacts

The Arimatheans Ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes is a dedicated group of parishioners who practice the Corporal Works of Mercy for our Funerals.
They provide kindness to a grieving family by attending the Funeral or Memorial Mass.
If you would like to help by attending the Funeral Mass – please contact Beth McEntegart
Where do you begin? Go to Our Lady of Lourdes Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) page by CLICKING HERE!
This is a formation program that is guided by a facilitator and under spiritual guidance with the parish priest. Using our Cenacle Formation manual, we study the Diary of St. Faustina, along with Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The group is practicing their Catholic faith and subscribe to the teachings of the Catholic Church. The group makes a commitment to participate in the Cenacle meetings each week for spiritual formation to become Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy. After about 1 ½ years’ study, the member can become inducted as a Eucharistic Apostle of Divine Mercy. This is a lay outreach ministry, affiliated with the Congregation of the Marians of The Immaculate Conception located in Stockbridge, MA at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. We do corporal and spiritual works of mercy for our parish. You can join at any time. Our group meets every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of each month). We arrive at 9:00 am for a short social time and writing our prayer intentions in our book. We begin guided study promptly at 9:30 AM and end with praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 10:30 AM.
Please call Mary Nowe at 941-497-2931 or 843-284 -8107 if you would like to attend a few times before purchasing the books and making a commitment.
If you are a divorced or separated Catholic, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is here to help. You are not alone. The church provides several means of extending a compassionate helping hand.
Surviving Divorce is a video-based peer support program helping separated or divorced Catholics through the pain of their experience to find healing and hope. For information about dates of upcoming sessions at Our Lady of Lourdes see below or phone Bob and Chris Smialek at 815-275-5305 or email
You can view a flyer on Surviving Divorce by clicking here!
To view an introductory video on Surviving Divorce by clicking here!
Divorced or separated Catholics have so many questions and it is difficult to find helpful answers that reflect true church teaching on marriage and divorce. Here are a few.
Decree of Nullity (commonly called “Annulment”)
The process of seeking a Decree of Nullity determines if a valid sacramental marriage was formed on the wedding day. While a valid “civil” marriage may have been made, the requirements for a “sacramental” marriage are quite different. Each case is different depending on the unique of the circumstances and individuals. The parish and diocese have experts who can help you navigate the process.
The church does encourage divorced Catholics to explore a Decree of Nullity to help with the healing process and to free a divorced Catholic to be open to new relationships and marriage. Without a decree, a Catholic is still considered married in the eyes of the church, even if there is a civil divorce.
Unfortunately, there is much erroneous information about “annulments.” This information includes misinformation about costs, timing and the chances of a positive outcome. Get the correct information. Contact the parish office to set up an appointment to discuss your situation. You will find help, compassion and support.
Who can become an Extraordinary Eucharist Minister?
A person over the age of 18 who has made their First Holy Communion, is Confirmed, and is Active in the sacramental life. You can contact: 941-497-2931 or email: to set up an appointment with our Pastor.
What does the word Extraordinary mean?
First, the term “ordinary” refers to someone who is ordained. A Bishop, a priest, a deacon is often called an “Ordinary” because he is ordained. The word “Extraordinary” means “outside ordination.” It refers to a minister who has not received the Sacrament of Holy Order.
An “Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion” is a Catholic lay person who needs permission to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion, either during the Mass or afterwards, such as to a homebound person.
Scroll to the bottom: SAFE ENVIRONMENT
You need to register with Virtus and take Safe Environment Training online.
You need to set up Fingerprint processing online too – and then have your fingerprints taken.
2. Once that is completed, you can set up an appointment at the office for our training.
If you are looking to get plugged into the parish and want to get to know your fellow parishioners, this team is for you!
A small amount of time, several times a year, and a warm welcoming smile is needed. You will help with set up or clean up or serving or kitchen duties or even baking. Many hands make light work.
Please email Deb Casey
Please consider joining Mary’s Army. We are the largest Catholic lay organization in the World. Our Apostolate at Our Lady of Lourdes is looking for active male and female members (2 hour commitment per week) and Auxiliary members (Rosary Warriors to pray the rosary daily).
The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary’s and the Church’s work.
More information about the Legion of Mary in the USA
Kick-off of the Augustine institute kiosk
hosted by the Legion of Mary Our Lady Queen of the Apostles at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. (Right)
Legion of Mary members recently attended training for St. Paul’s Street Evangelization Institute. Legion members attended mass followed by training held by trainers from St. Paul’s Street Evangelization Institute. (Left)
49th Annual Acies of the Manasota Curia of the Legion of Mary pictured here. Our Lady of Lourdes Legion of Mary Presidium is named Our Lady Queen of the Apostles. The Acies is the single most important Legion Event of the year, held around the 25th of March, feast of the Annunciation, which commemorates the Incarnation, when God became man and totally depended on our Blessed Mother. Acies is a Latin Word meaning “army set in battle array”. So we have pictured a great army gathered together. Members attending the conference consecrate themselves to our Blessed Mother.
Missing are very active and dedicated Legion Of Mary members: Diana Armstrong, MaryLou Birk, Donna Mc Ginnis, Ania Nazarian, Alina Wasilewski, Denise Riley, Joanne Youman. (Right)
Mentor Couple Meeting with Engaged Couple Overview
Mentor Couple Short Biography for Engaged Couple as PDF or Word Document
For more information, please contact our Director of Music:
John Nastasi – 239-910-4271
Music Ministry Mission Statement
“The music ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes lifts the hearts, minds and actions of the people to more complete and transcendent worship of the Lord Jesus. Through music, we echo the themes of the Liturgy of the Word, and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, in accordance with the seasons, celebrations and rites of the Roman Catholic Church. Through musical expression, we bring our human and sacred natures together to enhance the worship service for the Church.”
God has bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the giver of son, is present whenever his people sing his praises. STL #1
Faith grows when it is well expressed in celebration. Good celebrations can foster and nourish faith. Poor celebrations may weaken it. Good music “makes the liturgical prayers of the Christian community more alive and fervent so that everyone can praise and beseech the Triune God more powerfully, more intently and more effectively.” STL #5 (Pius XII, MSD On Sacred Music 1955)
Charity, justice, and evangelization are thus the normal consequences of liturgical celebration. STL #9
Within the gathered assembly, the role of the congregation is especially important. “The full and active participation by all the people is the aim to be considered before all else, for it is the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit.” STL #11 (SC, no.14)
Our participation in the Liturgy is challenging. Sometimes, our voices do not correspond to the convictions of our hearts. At other times, we are distracted or preoccupied by the cares of the world. Christ always invites us, however, to enter into song, to rise above our own preoccupations, and to give our entire selves to the hymn of his Paschal Sacrifice for the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity. STL #14
The director of music ministries fosters the active participation of the liturgical assembly in singing; coordinates the preparation of music to be sung at various liturgical celebrations; and promotes the ministries of choirs, psalmists, cantors, organists, and all who play instruments that serve the Liturgy. STL #45
Liturgical musicians are the first of all disciples, and only then are they ministers. Joined to Christ through the Sacraments of Initiation, musicians belong to assembly of the baptized faithful; they are worshipers above all else. Like other baptized members of the assembly, pastoral musicians need to hear the Gospel, experience conversion, profess faith in Christ, and so proclaim the praise of God. Thus, musicians who serve the church at prayer are not merely employees or volunteers. They are ministers who share the faith, serve the community, and express the love of God and neighbor through music. STL #49
Our Lady of Lourdes has various short series of seminars/classes in various aspects of our Catholic Faith.
Check back here to see the next seminar/class being offered.
Also, online there are free Adult Catholic Education programs. To find out more click on the logo or links below.
We all like FREE don’t we? Our parish pays for you to get the best Catholic teaching videos, books, and audio talks to deepen your relationship with Christ and his Church all in one place for free on most smart phones, tablets, and computers. Go to Formed by clicking HERE or above image and Register…one time…Enter “Our Lady of Lourdes Venice Fl” then register your name and email address. That’s it! Every time you now click on this link you will be taken directly into the FORMED website homepage with access to all the content. As an added feature, they have the FORMED APP. I have personally loaded the free APP (from the APP store on my phone) and again, logged in the first time. Now…as soon as I click on the FORMED APP it opens directly into all the content they have available. Cool Stuff! Users can sign on to ROKU, Amazon Fire, TVOS and and any smart T.V.
My Catholic Life Series: free in electronic form and provides a complete and faithful summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in an easy-to-read format. It also presents our faith in a personal and understandable way.
The Understanding of the Scriptures Podcast
Eternal Work Global Catholic Network On Demand Video
For more informative links see our Resource page or At Home Multimedia Picks page!
The Parish Finance Council’s role is advisory and consultative to the Pastor/Administrator.
The members of the Parish Finance Council should be animated by a Christian spirit and be
deeply conscious of the mission of the parish to promote the works of the apostolate and of
charity, especially toward the needy. Parish Finance Council will be constituted as follows:
The Pastoral Council at Our Lady of Lourdes is an appointed group of parishioners who serve as advisers and consultants to our Pastor/Administrator. One of the primary roles of each Council member is to attempt to represent the people of our parish in formal discussions with our Pastor/Administrator regarding issues that will help us to fulfill our Parish Mission Statement and Parish goals.
Parish Mission Statement
The mission of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is to be a warm, open, welcoming community for all ages, united in the Catholic faith and devoted to giving witness to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Parish will provide ministries, guidance and support to celebrate the Eucharist, and with the help of The Holy Spirit, live the Word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
CLICK HERE to see the chart of our Parish Ministries
Parish Goals
Respect for all Life: To practice and promote respect for all life, including the unborn, youth, the aged, the sick, the disabled, the poor and the needy.
Worship: To supplement and enhance our celebration of The Liturgy so that it inspires and fulfills all of those who worship at Our Lady of Lourdes.
Community: To enhance the experience of our Christian Community through increased faith formation and Parish life activities including welcoming and nourishing all members to bring Christ’s presence to the world.
Stewardship: To bring Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners into a closer relationship with God through the experiences of giving time, talent and treasures that we help to create, by offering occasions where this giving is consciously evoked as a spiritual act and practice.
Communication: To initiate and improve communication to all Parishioners to facilitate their awareness of Parish life and their Catholic Faith and to facilitate communication between Parish Ministries.
Interested in being part of the team? Contact: Jim Palermo 941–493–3424
The prayer shawl ministry knits shawls to be given to anyone in need of prayers or comfort. The shawls are blessed and the recipients are included in the prayers of the faithful at every Mass. They are routinely given to those who are ill (or their caregiver for them), those grieving the loss of a loved one and those suffering from one of many other difficult life situations. See the Prayer Shawl Ministry Brochure!
Respect Life Ministry is dedicated to transforming today’s culture of death into a culture of life. Saint Pope John Paul II’s encyclical “The Gospel of Life” provides hope and inspiration in the promotion of respect for all life, from fertilization to natural death. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities: A Campaign in Support of Life, provides a framework for the ministry, following the Catholic tradition of prayer, study/education and action, including pastoral care and legislative advocacy. Respect Life Ministry focuses on life and death issues involving the beginning of life, end of life, capital punishment and legislative action on the parish, diocesan, state and national levels. Read our Respect Life Ministry Brochure!
Go to the Diocese of Venice Office for Respect Life website where you will find many valuable resourses such as Church Teaching, Novena of Masses for Life, 40 Days for Life, Catholic Declaration on Life and Death, Pregnancy Resources, Post-Abortion Help, Mothers with Children, Spiritual Adoption Program, Legislative Action and Upcoming Events.
To get involved in this ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes please contact John and Kathy Yaglenski at 941-408-7558 or
Pregnant – Install the Pregnancy + App on your:
Android smartphone or on your iPhone or iPad!
Alternatives to Abortion App
Install on your Android Smartphone
Have you thought to yourself, “How can I help the poor and the struggling of this beautiful community?”
St. Vincent DePaul Society has a local group of volunteers who are committed here in Venice and Nokomis to helping individuals and families who are struggling to deal with the basics of daily life needing shelter, food, clothing, electricity, and more! In many cases they are without the support of family and friends.
Join fellow parishioners, working in teams of two, from Our Lady of Lourdes and Epiphany Cathedral, in serving the needs of the less fortunate and sharing in the joy of being a Vincentian. Volunteers are need to: respond to telephone messages, schedule appointments with clients, meet with them, assess their needs and help them find solutions to their problems. Also; to help manage a small food pantry supported by donations, recruitment of volunteers, and fund raising.
Job requirements are simple: Compassion, empathy, and a desire to help others.
If you feel like you can commit a few hours one day per week, please call Larry Smith at 941-493-2027.
For donations or to learn more about the Epiphany Cathedral/Our Lady of Lourdes Conference click on this link.
Find out more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Young Adult gathering ages 18-45 years.
Calling All Young Adults – The Diocese of Venice offers many opportunities for young adults to build community. Through programs like Theology on Tap, intramural sports teams, and Parish-organized social events, there is something available for everyone in the Diocese. Young Adults (18-39) are encouraged to participate in these opportunities to enrich their faith and make friends! If you have any Young Adult activities planned or would like to learn about them in your area, please contact Joshua Mazrin at
Sarasota Area -Theology on Tap – Join us for a time of fellowship and outreach including games, discussion, and complimentary refreshments at 7:00 p.m., on the third Thursday of the month at the Mandeville Beer Garden, 428 N. Lemon Ave., Sarasota. For more information, please contact Joshua Mazrin at
Click here for: Join Youth Group Flyer
Click here for Facebook Youth Group Site
Our Purpose:
To introduce teenagers and young adults to an exciting and life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, as we enjoy friendships, grow in our faith and prepare ourselves to go out into the world as Jesus’ disciples. Here, teenagers and young adults from our area can connect with others who share the same morals and values. Fill out the form below for more information.
How to Discern by Fr. Mike Schmitz, 60 Second Bible, Young Catholic Minute, Why You Should Be Catholic, Lifehouse Everything Skit, Catholics Come Home, Why Am I Catholic?, The Creed
Youth Activity Photos
Click here to see OLL youth at the Steubenville “Revealed” 2018 Youth Conference
VBS Summer 2018
Homemade Pizza night with families, April 25th, 2018
Youth Dinner
Youth Walk for Life
Youth Valentine
In line with our mission statement, we telephone new parishioners to personally welcome them to our parish. We also offer a scheduled weekly tour of our beautiful parish grounds and buildings. A tour can consist of 1 person or up to 8. When there is a group tour, it is a wonderful way for newcomers to meet one another immediately. If a new parishioner is home-bound, we make a visit with a welcoming packet and assist the Newcomer to get connected with a Eucharistic Minister or explain how to schedule a home blessing. If you are feeling a little lost or would like a tour, please email our Welcome Ministry Representatives Mary & Betty-Ann at: or call: 941-497-2931 ext. 231