Office: 497-2931
Director of Religious Education:
Mrs. Elisa Dacey –
We, the faith-filled Catholic men and women of Our Lady of Lourdes’ Religious Education Program, are committed to Jesus’ message to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself.” Mt 22:34-40 We believe that learning is a lifelong process and faith development is an integral part of the learning process. We strive to provide meaningful faith formation opportunities to all ages.
The Religious Education program at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish is based on four guiding principles:
1. To establish and deepen our students’ personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
2. To teach our students the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church.
3. To reinforce the faith foundation taught in the home and at Mass.
4. To teach Catholic life skills, personal prayer, scripture, sacraments, service, etc.
Classes run from mid-September through April on Sundays at 11:15am – 12:30pm.
Sacramental Programs: Reconciliation/First Communion (2nd grade) and Confirmation (10th grade/high school) are two year programs.
Required Forms for Religious Education (please download and print):
- 2024-2025 Faith Formation Calendar
- Religious Education Registration Form
- 2024-2025 Communion Calendar
- 2024-2025 Confirmation Calendar
- Photo/Image Release Form
- Medical Release Form
- Parents Handbook 2018-2019

Top 10 reasons you should become a catechist
One important way we can help pass on knowledge of the faith and love for Christ is by being a catechist in our parish. By Woodeene Koenig-Bricker
1. It’s what we are called to do.
At the end of his earthly ministry, Jesus said: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.”
2. It’s fun.
Kids remind adults to live and laugh in the moment and get enthused about things like holy days and stories of saints.
3. You show your own family that you value religious education.
Taking time out of your life to teach the faith shows your own children, grandchildren, siblings and family members that you put a high priority on religious education.
4. You will be practicing stewardship.
Being a catechist is a way of being a good steward by giving a bit of your most precious resource — your time.
5. A catechist is a role model.
As a catechist, you get to model behaviors young people might not learn anywhere else.
6. You become an active part of the most active part of your parish.
When you join the catechists in your parish, you enter into a community that will support you on your faith journey, pray for and with you and encourage you in your Catholic way of life.
7. Your own faith will come alive.
As a catechist, you will discover that prayer, liturgy and your own relationship with God will become more vibrant and meaningful.
8. Sharing the faith is an honor.
It’s estimated that fewer than 1 percent of Catholics are catechists.
9. Catechists tell the truth.
The world needs the message of the Gospel and the way to true happiness; as a catechist, you offer a hungry world that sustenance.
10. The best way to learn is to teach.
If your own faith education ended years ago, the resources and materials you are exposed to as a catechist will surely refresh and expand your own knowledge.