Where do you begin?
Well, you just begin from where you are right now!
Many adults who are entering the Catholic Church, or even those who are thinking about it, follow a process called “O.C.I.A.” (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, Formerly called R.C.I.A.).
For information please see the information folders available at the church entrance. Still interested or have questions contact John Raymond at john.raymond@ollvenice.org, even if you are an adult baptized Catholic but haven’t received 1st Holy Communion or Confirmation. You can also call the parish office at 941-497-2931 and leave a message and John will get back to you.
If possible, please fill out the OCIA Application form and email it or bring it to the parish office.
Our classes begin on September 25th, 2024 and they end a couple of weeks after Easter. Decided after this date to join us? Don’t worry. We can bring you up to date. Just show up at class and we’ll take it from there. We meet on Wednesday evenings in the Education Building (far left building on campus) at 6PM in classroom 7/8.
Waiting until classes begin in the Fall of 2024, you can begin studying now by downloading our OCIA Study Guide, watch on Youtube Fr. John Ricardo’s “Becoming Catholic” (OCIA) (2018-2019) Episodes 1-32 or you might want to look into this free online OCIA series!
See this TV Commercial on the Catholic Church produced by Catholics Come Home who have a great message for those who are considering a return to the Catholic Faith – Come Home!
Don’t come back alone. Visit the Journey Home Network to connect with those from all walks of life who have already made this journey.