Our Faith Formation programs are based on the knowledge that growing in one’s faith is a life long journey. It begins in the home and is nurtured by our parish community beginning with the celebration of weekly Liturgy; during the Liturgy of the Word of God is broken open and we are nourished in the Eucharist.
Parents are the first and foremost catechists of their children. Our Faith Formation programs hope to instill Catholic values and teach a love of Christ and Church. Our programs will be successful only if “church” is not absent in the home. We strive to offer opportunities for spiritual growth and sacramental preparation for all of our parish family. The task of the Faith Formation programs is to support and encourage parents while providing truthful church teachings.
Mass Attendance is considered an integral part of your child’s faith formation that he/she also attends Mass on Sunday.
Sacramental Preparation
Preparation for the celebration of the Sacraments is primarily the privilege and responsibility of the parent. Our catechists, along with the Faith Formation team, will happily assist you and your child during this blessed and spiritual journey.
In a letter dated May 15, 2009, Bishop Dewane writes to inform us of his decision concerning the administration of the Sacrament of Confirmation and how that will affect all the parishes in the Diocese of Venice.
Upon the arrival of Bishop Dewane to the Venice Diocese, he found a variety of approaches in each parish concerning the age for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation. Some of the parishes were adhering to the “Restored Order” process for celebrating the “Sacraments of Initiation” and many were not. Bishop Dewane has judged that the practice of “Restored Order” while theologically sound, has been problematic. It has not produced an enrichment of the sacramental life of the parishes nor addressed concerns about effective catechesis.
For these reasons, Bishop Dewane has stated that “Restored Order” for “Sacraments of Initiation” will be discontinued as a practice throughout this Diocese. Preparation for the reception of Confirmation will be a two year process, beginning in grade 9, culminating in the reception of the Sacrament at the end of grade 10.
First Reconciliation:
Children must be in their second year of Faith Formation before beginning preparation for Reconciliation. Children usually celebrate First Reconciliation during the second grade, if they are properly prepared.
Can make the Sign of the Cross, saying the words: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.
- Recite the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary
- Know the Act of Contrition
- Attends weekly class sessions prepared with completed homework assignments
- Age appropriate understanding of the mystery of Christ (Real presence)
- Recite the Lord’s Prayer and the Hail Mary
- Attends Mass regularly
- Be familiar with the Mass responses
Be familiar with Sunday Liturgy
First Eucharist:
Children must have completed at least one year of Faith Formation before beginning preparation for First Eucharist. First Eucharist is usually celebrated in the second grade. Requirements for First Eucharist include:
Can make the Sign of the Cross, saying the words: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.